"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

Mahatma Gandhi

Luella Goethals
Luella Goethals, a British professional with Indian origins, specialises in Personal Development, offering dedicated support to individuals navigating both personal and professional challenges.

By tuning into the energy of courageous individuals seeking clarity in intense life moments, Luella's vocation grants her invaluable insights. Her experience and knowledge, enriched by metaphysical readings, empower many to find harmony in life. This ageless wisdom, although known to all, often gets overshadowed by the busyness of daily existence. It's only when life's complexities rattle us that the desire to truly live, rather than merely exist, awakens.

An Intuitive Coaching Conversation with Luella allows you to emerge from the depths of your trials with strength, courage, and confidence.

In the realm of truths and perceptions, where there's no absolute right or wrong, all experiences offer enlightenment. People often serve as guides, reminding you of your qualities, values, or principles. For instance, consistent criticism might signal a need to focus on demonstrating appreciation towards others.

"Be the change you desire. Dwell on resonances of happiness, trust, or acceptance. Place attention on people's strengths and qualities, and notice these thoughts returning to you."

Certified Professional Coach (CPC) from the International Coach Academy (ICF accredited). MBA from l'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), Paris. Bachelor of Electronics and Electrical Engineering from King's College London.

Embark on a transformative journey with Luella - where personal and professional growth merge seamlessly.
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